Mar 7, 2008

Spring Training/Cleaning for Business

Spring is just around the corner. For many of us, that means a rebirth of sorts. We shrug off the winter doldrums by tackling the cluttered attic, basement, or garage and raking away the dead branches and left over leaves from fall, clearing the way for the seeds of growth.

Make sure you give your business the same treatment. It’s time to discard that pile of dead leads, outdated names and old addresses. Revisit the list of to-do’s that were never done, refresh project plans by casting off the activities and ideas that never took hold or blossomed and focusing your energy on those behaviors that proved most fruitful. Revitalize your business by creating new ideas and cultivating those with the best chance of producing the biggest yield.

Stay informed. Toss outdated sales material. Keep abreast of new product and service developments. Reach out to existing clients and keep them informed of new developments.

Expand the boundaries and scope of your business. Look for ways to affiliate with other businesses whose products & services compliment yours.

Major League Baseball teams have begun Spring Training in Florida and Arizona. Players are vying for positions (and contracts), while General Managers and coaches are putting their team rosters together, trying to identify their strengths and weaknesses.

How do you stack up against your competition? What do you need to do to set yourself apart from the rest? In Spring Training, every team gets a fresh start. Every team feels like they have a chance to win, but only a handful of teams make the playoffs and only one champion is crowned.

This is your fresh start. Are you ready for Opening Day?

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